Sunday, 24 February 2013

Iteration - Order and Chaos


 The Iteration- Order and Chaos

Medium : Charcoal on Paper

Size : A3 

It is believed that when evil and instability threaten to drown the world, the lord will purge the world of everything and give humanity a new beginning . In this example from the ancient Vaishnavite scriptures, the lord manifests in the form of a humongous fish with a horn  and guides the protagonist Manu through the apocalyptic flooding along with two members of all species on a large ship. In my artist's interpretation of this scene, the Lord is shown in his fish form as well as his divine state leading Manu's boat to safety through this chaos. 
Careful observers may notice the references to the atrocities and inhumane acts perpetrated in recent times. It is seen that when a human civilization reaches the zenith of disorder and chaos it shall fall and a new order shall be established from its ashes. And the iteration continues ....Ashes to ashes. 

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