Sunday, 24 February 2013



Medium : Watercolor on Paper

Size : A4

“O sun, to tell thee how I hate thy beams
That bring to my remembrance from what state I fell, how glorious once above thy sphere.”
-John Milton,Paradise lost
Noted and known to be the only statue representing the fallen angel 'Lucifer', the statue in Madrid in a square that goes by the name "‘La Plaza del Angel Caido’ (Fallen Angel Square) is the one I have used as a reference for this painting . (A picture of the statue of Lucifer to be precise) The statue depicts Lucifer in a moment of agony and anger  which one can easily notice from the way he has his mouth wide open in horror and pain.And the way his  hands are sculpted  to cover his vision was perfect for my work based on Milton's quote from paradise lost. 

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